


Re:generate the Convent.

2020 was a year none of us anticipated—and the financial impacts on individuals and organisations were devastating—with lasting impact. The Convent was closed to the public for many months, tenant community deeply affected, and our revenue streams greatly restricted. The ongoing costs of maintaining a National Heritage Listed precinct of the Convent’s scale are immense in ‘normal’ times. And like many other organisations, we’ve had to significantly reduce expenditure and make some very difficult decisions to ensure our financial sustainability.

Right now, the collective health and wellbeing of our community is at the forefront of our minds—and the nourishing enrichment the Convent precinct provides is more important than ever. Our abundant gardens, private nooks and myriad creative spaces offer rare, free and open access that generate connection, bring relief and provide inspiration—a solace in these uncertain times.

The ongoing impact of the pandemic is far reaching and will be felt for years to come—and we have a lot of work to do to rebuild and to regenerate. Right now, we’re working hard to strengthen and revive the precinct for everyone to safely experience and enjoy—and we need your help to do this.

An enormous thank you to every member of our community who kindly donated to our Re:generate fundraising appeal. Through what continues to be a very challenging time as we navigate the changing public health restrictions and the ongoing impacts of the pandemic—the support of our community has been genuinely inspiring. We are incredibly grateful to have you all walking alongside us through all of this.

ACF aimed to raise at least $60,000 by 30 June 2021. Thanks to the support of so many of you, we are thrilled to have surpassed our stretch target of $110,000. This very valuable contribution will help strengthen and revive the Convent through the uncertainty of the new COVID-normal times that we are living in.

Your donations will go towards helping the Convent precinct and community regenerate—ensuring our indoor and green spaces are open, safe and welcoming for you to experience and enjoy, each time you visit. And ensuring the Convent remains a place that uplifts and connects our community—when we need it most. We are genuinely humbled by the generous, caring spirit of the Convent’s donor community—especially through the challenging times that we are navigating, together. A heartfelt thanks from the Abbotsford Convent Foundation team and Board.



