


To be renowned for stimulating arts, cultural and community engagement and exchange through the wonderful and unexpected curiosities of our people and place.


To transform people’s lives through diverse arts and cultural experiences and the striking landscape of our place.


Abbotsford Convent Foundation has seven key values that guide everything we do:


We offer a program experience and landscape that helps people live well. Our community is engaged, enriched, and feels ownership of and responsibility for the Convent.


We make our place the home of arts and cultural innovation, often at the engine room of independent practice, which we share with our clients, audiences and visitors through unique and distinctive programs.


We constantly seek to be a strong organisation. We adopt an entrepreneurial approach that is consolidated through continually improved systems, renewed and new partnerships and a commitment to providing excellence in our overall client and visitor experience.


We nurture, renew and inspire our partners, communities, visitors and audiences through the depth and breadth of our engagement opportunities.


Living legacy

We acknowledge the past. At the same time, we look to the future. We seek to understand the needs of our communities and continually evolve our precinct, programs and experiences to stimulate new conversations and stay at the forefront of contemporary practice.


We share our point of view and invite participation to stimulate emotional responses and transformational ideas about our place and the world around us.


We encourage our team to contribute by bringing their passions and expertise to the table, empowering them to reach their individual and collective potential.