Maths Mutt - All About Time, by Charles Hope

$24.99 澳元

What is time? How do we use it in our everyday lives? Is time the same all around the world?

What are the different units of time, and what devices so we use to measure them?

Let Bud and his friends show you this and more in ALL ABOUT TIME.


A fun and engaging way to look at key mathematical concepts, and how these can be applied in everyday life. A combination of general information, practical examples and do-it-yourself activities to help illustrate and inspire the readers to follow along and learn. Key curriculum topics are covered, with answers provided in the back of the book. Teacher Notes are available on the Wild Dog website.



野狗图书 是一家屡获殊荣的澳大利亚独立出版商,为儿童和青少年出版最优秀的图书。

Wild Dog 深知一个好故事的力量,他们热衷于用故事来激发小读者的兴趣。这就是为什么野狗书单上有关于我们的环境、我们的历史、我们的未来以及介于两者之间的所有内容的最佳儿童读物。


$24.99 澳元
