





Centrally located next to 卡姆小卖部, the Abbotsford Convent’s St Heliers Street Gallery (SHSG) exhibits high calibre works from emerging and established artists. Founded in 2009, the gallery supports the work of tenants at the Convent as well as exhibitions from the wider arts and cultural sector, to share with our thriving and diverse community.

The SHSG, in pre-COVID times, welcomes over 2000 visitors a week and its proximity to Cam’s makes it a natural hub for artistic conversations and collaborations. It’s a perfect place to share your works with a diverse and growing audience. The SHSG is a unique and affordable space and the Convent does not take commission on artwork sales- all proceeds go to artists.

Key Features

  • Gallery style multi zoned space
  • White walls
  • Located next to food and hospitality


St Heliers Street Gallery is wheelchair accessible.

性别多样性 女修道院欢迎任何性别的人使用符合其性别认同或性别表达方式的洗手间。有 有性别 toilets available close to the venue and 中性 修道院辖区内其他地点的厕所。查看 公共厕所地图 找到您喜欢的浴室。

Make an enquiry

To enquire about this space, simply contact tenancy@abbotsfordconvent.com.au
