$1,600 澳元


$1,600 澳元

This recent work is inspired by Austrian/New Zealand artist/architect/environmentalist Hundertwasser and a group of paintings I’d been doing called "The Other Side". The title comes from a quote of Hundertwassers.

The paintings are of buildings and plants. The original intention was to curve the buildings and straighten the plants, but in some paintings they worked better when the plants were left curved or simplified.

Acrylic painting on canvas.



Rick Matear loves painting and the atmosphere at the Abbotsford Convent. His door is usually open, where he can be seen making pictures. Rick is renowned for his compelling depictions of the picturesque coastal area of the Mornington Peninsula. His paintings reflect his love of the beach and landscape, where he has spent every summer he can remember. “Painting the beach extends summer as long as possible”, says Rick.
