Wominjeka! Hello!
At the Convent we welcome visitors from across the globe – both in-person and digitally. Please note, we use AI to bridge the language gap, so there may be some translation inconsistencies and missed linguistic nuances.
We are thrilled to announce that the Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) will be joining the Convent’s vibrant community for up to the next three years.
Empowering artists’ creative practices is one of the Convent’s core purposes and our passionate commitment to delivering engaging live music events is enduring. Our unique precinct will provide a nurturing environment for ANAM musicians and staff, and we look forward to showcasing the musicians’ skill and imagination and enhancing our existing live music offering for our community.
ANAM plans to join the community in September and we are incredibly excited to welcome them to our home!
Image by Cameron Jamieson