지구가 중요합니다: 지구 사랑: 캐롤 윌킨슨 지음, 힐러리 크레스프 그림

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Earth does so much for us. Let’s understand what we need to do to love our planet. Earth Matters.

"This beautiful book explains the science of climate change in a child-friendly way. It helps children see how their own choices can make a tangible difference to the wonderful planet that is their home. I highly recommend this book" - Libby Skeels, Psychologist, Psychology for a Safe Climate.

"A healthy Earth matters, so this book is a must read!" - Professor David Karoly, Climate Scientist, University of Melbourne.

Teacher Notes are available through the Wild Dog Website.


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Wild Dog Books is a multi-award-winning Australian independent publisher of the best books for children and young people.

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