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2024년 3월 1일 - 24일까지
Theme: Queer Futures
Abbotsford Convent (outdoors)
2024년 3월 1일 - 24일까지
Theme: Queer Futures
Abbotsford Convent (outdoors)
Homosexuality is still a crime in at least 74 countries, 13 of which impose death by public stoning as a penalty. Ayman Kaake’s 99 Names is an unapologetic celebration of queer voices, in the face of this. Named in reference to the names of Allah or God revealed to humanity in the Q’uan, Kaake’s ongoing series does not seek approvals and is a testament to the manipulations and atrocities committed by believers loudly quoting their holy books in the name of religion. Born in Lebanon, Kaake delves into the complex themes of diasporic melancholy, the agony of exile throughout his practice.
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