우민제카! 안녕하세요!
수녀원에서는 직접 방문하거나 디지털 방식으로 전 세계 방문객을 환영합니다. 언어 격차를 해소하기 위해 AI를 사용하므로 번역이 일관되지 않거나 언어적 뉘앙스를 놓칠 수 있다는 점을 양해해 주시기 바랍니다.
Every Sunday (some exceptions)
8am — 2pm
The Convent Bakery
Every Sunday (some exceptions)
8am — 2pm
The Convent Bakery
Hosted by one of our fully qualified bakers or pastry chefs, our bread-making workshops will encourage you to have fun at home, experimenting with bread. We’ll talk you through simple bread-making techniques, which you will be able to replicate at home for the enjoyment of friends and family.
Learn more about the Convent Bakery 여기.