The Accidental Penguin Hotel by Andrew Kelly, Illustrated by Dean A. Jones

$24.99 豪ドル

The little penguins came to the rich waters of the bay to hunt, but they don’t stay. There is no place to build a home. So they travel far, back to their island. What will it take for one little penguin to make the bay his home?

A positive environmental story about a man-made structure that became a thriving habitat for our much loved penguins.

Raises the question about how human behaviour impacts the wildlife around us.

An intimate look at these resilient little birds and how they live, migrate, build habitats and develop their colonies.


About the publisher.

Wild Dog Books is a multi-award-winning Australian independent publisher of the best books for children and young people.

Wild Dog knows the power of a great story told well, and they are wild about using story to get young readers excited. That’s why the Wild Dog list is where you will find the best children’s books on our environment, on our history, on our future and on everything in between.


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