Vote 4 Me, illustrato da Cathy Wilcox

$24.99 AUD


$24.99 AUD

The students of Mount Mayhem primary school are fed up. Their uniform is hideous, the tuckshop sells only healthy food, and the sports cupboard is empty. It’s time to find a leader who will speak on their behalf. But who will it be? They need an election!

Have you ever tried to explain Australia’s preferential voting to someone? you never have to do that again.

In Vote 4 Me, this gargantuan task is skilfully tackled by an expert in the field. Vote 4 Me is illustrated with typical humour and affection for all things political by Cathy Wilcox. Voting has never been so much fun.

Teacher notes are available for this title on the Wild Dog website.


Informazioni sull'editore.

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by Wild Dog Books