Show Me the Money by Sue Lawson & Karen Tayleur

$24.99 AUD


$24.99 AUD

Have you ever looked at Australia’s money? Who are those people on the banknotes and why are they there? And why is the Queen on all the coins?

Each image in Australian currency, whether person, plant or creature, has been carefully chosen to represent and celebrate Australia.

A lively history of Australia told through the people on our banknotes. Just who are these people and why are they on our money?

The story of Australia’s development as a nation. Poses questions about the idea of money - where we have come from and where we may be heading.
Teacher Notes are available through the Wild Dog website.


Informazioni sull'editore.

Libri Wild Dog è una casa editrice indipendente australiana pluripremiata che pubblica i migliori libri per bambini e ragazzi.

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