Nidificare i cacatua: La storia di Squeak e Squawk di Angela Robertson-Buchanan
$24.99 AUD
Have you ever met a sulphur-crested cockatoo? They are as intelligent as a toddler and can live up to 90 years of age.
Squeak and Squawk were rescued when their tree-hollow home was cut down. They were only two weeks old. You will fall in love with these clever cockies.
A heartwarming story of an animal rescue of one of our most iconic birds, the sulfur-crested cockatoo. Readers will be delighted to watch these gorgeous birds grow through the stunning photos included throughout the book.
Informazioni sull'editore.
Wild Dog Books è una casa editrice indipendente australiana pluripremiata che pubblica i migliori libri per bambini e ragazzi.
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