Il piccolo Lon di Andrew Kelly, illustrato da Heather Potter e Mark Jackson

$24.99 AUD


$24.99 AUD

Marie and her friends sailed boats in the gutters, ate Mr Bracchi’s ice-creams in summer and roast chestnuts in winter, all in the centre of a big busy city, behind the fancy fronts of the main boulevards. Here lay the network of lanes and houses called Little Lon.

Captured by Andrew Kelly and realised by award winning illustrators Mark Jackson and Heather Potter, this is a surprisingly warm and tender story that young readers will pore over.

A fascinating look at the life of real people in early post-settlement Melbourne. Where they lived, what furniture they owned, what they ate, how they bathed, what school was like, how they celebrated, their jobs and the local businesses.

Densely communal, definitely multicultural, Little Lon is a surprising history in every way. Teacher Notes are available on the Wild Dog website.


Informazioni sull'editore.

Libri Wild Dog è una casa editrice indipendente australiana pluripremiata che pubblica i migliori libri per bambini e ragazzi.

Noi di Wild Dog conosciamo il potere di una grande storia raccontata bene e siamo entusiasti di usare la storia per appassionare i giovani lettori. Ecco perché nell'elenco di Wild Dog troverete i migliori libri per bambini sul nostro ambiente, sulla nostra storia, sul nostro futuro e su tutto il resto.


by Wild Dog Books