$5.50 AUD


$5.50 AUD

Artist Statement:

“The natural world, its beauty and the interaction between people and the built form provide constant inspiration for me. Many of my paintings are from the coast or from travel. By painting I try to transport the viewer to that warm sunny day spent lying on the beach or playing in the surf with friends, that one remembers in a dreamy haze of fragmented colour and shape. My images are calm, and sensitive. Walking in long grasses, soft breezes gently brushing past. This is also reflected in how I use a paint brush. Varied strokes on the canvas that unfold and tell a story that the viewer can enter. The 2016 exhibition ‘Water on the other side’ was influenced by artists such as Margaret Olley, Edward Manet and David Hockney. The subjects come from near Point King in Sorrento. Painting water, sky and objects at different times of the day”. — Rick Matear

Rick Matear was born in 1960 Graduating in 1981 at the Victorian College of the Arts during which time he was awarded the Sara Levi Scholarship.

Rick has had a strong and successful career of painting for over 35 years. One or two solo exhibitions each year in Melbourne, South Australia, Canberra and Internationally, London.

He has completed residencies in Turtle Island, Venice, Grimaud and earlier last year Antibes.

Last year Rick was invited to exhibit in London, Zurich and the South of France.

Rick is well known for his interpretations of the Mornington Peninsula and his ability to capture reflection of light on water.


Informazioni sull'artista.

Rick Matear ama la pittura e l'atmosfera del Convento di Abbotsford. Di solito la sua porta è aperta e lo si può vedere mentre dipinge. Rick è famoso per le sue convincenti rappresentazioni della pittoresca zona costiera della penisola di Mornington. I suoi dipinti riflettono il suo amore per la spiaggia e il paesaggio, dove ha trascorso tutte le estati che ricorda. "Dipingere la spiaggia prolunga l'estate il più possibile", dice Rick.
