Abbotsford Corner
$2,900 AUD
Recent painting of the Abbotsford area, influenced by Hundertwasser an artist and architect from Austria and later New Zealand. He was a pioneer of the sustainable movement, quoted in saying “Straight lines are godless“
“Rick is an artist with a very well-developed sense of place and a real affinity for the natural environment. It is clear from looking at his work that he has an intimate and profound relationship with his subject. His paintings are the result of two great things: an artist who possesses a refined technique that perfectly matches his subject matter; and an artist who honours and completely belongs to the landscape he is painting.” ~ Animator Sal Cooper 2014
Acrylic paint on canvas.
Informazioni sull'artista.
Rick Matear ama la pittura e l'atmosfera del Convento di Abbotsford. Di solito la sua porta è aperta e lo si può vedere mentre dipinge. Rick è famoso per le sue convincenti rappresentazioni della pittoresca zona costiera della penisola di Mornington. I suoi dipinti riflettono il suo amore per la spiaggia e il paesaggio, dove ha trascorso tutte le estati che ricorda. "Dipingere la spiaggia prolunga l'estate il più possibile", dice Rick.