Tú importas: Be Your Own Best Friend por Sue Lawson & Sue Hindle, Ilustrado por Prue Pittock

$24.99 AUD


$24.99 AUD

We all have days when we feel not quite right, and we all experience these feelings in our own way.

You Matter will show you simple ways to help yourself feel better. It’s fun to use, easy to do, and you might just find it becomes your second-best friend.

"A delightful, accessible and creative resource to support young people's wellbeing. The clear explanations and practical exercises offer choice, empowerment and independence in developing self-awareness. This timely publication gently and safely supports young people to connect with themselves." - Belinda Densley, Masters of Counselling and Psychotherapy.

"This book is a great guide for understanding feelings. Doing the exercises helped me feel clear and calm" - Emily, 12

"Fantastic for young people to develop a positive sense of self and personal awareness. This book gives them the tools they need" - Kerryn Williams, Teacher, Masters of Wellbeing.


Acerca de la editorial.

Libros del Perro Salvaje es una editorial independiente australiana multipremiada que publica los mejores libros para niños y jóvenes.

En Wild Dog conocemos el poder de una gran historia bien contada, y nos encanta utilizar las historias para entusiasmar a los jóvenes lectores. Por eso, en la lista de Wild Dog encontrarás los mejores libros infantiles sobre nuestro medio ambiente, nuestra historia, nuestro futuro y todo lo demás.


by Wild Dog Books