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Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation

  • Community
  • Community Organisation


Ground and First Floors
Providence building


Nach Vereinbarung

Offene Stunden

Monday – Friday
9am – 5pm



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  • Community
  • Community Organisation


Ground and First Floors
Providence building


Nach Vereinbarung

Offene Stunden

Monday – Friday
9am – 5pm



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The Wurundjeri people (Woi wurrung language group) are the recognised Traditional Owners of a large estate that includes urban and rural lands as well as waterways. Wurundjeri Country includes the inner city of Melbourne extending north of the Great Dividing Range, east to Mount Baw Baw, south to Mordialloc Creek and west to the Werribee River.

The Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation offer a range of services, including:

Cultural Heritage

The Council provides comprehensive cultural heritage services including: discharging RAP responsibilities, Due Diligence Assessments, assessment of Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMPs), Cultural Heritage & Interpretation, Cultural Values Recordings, as well as Wurundjeri Heritage Projects.

Land Management

The Country Team focuses on the protection, management and enhancement of environmentally and culturally significant places on Country.

Cultural Practices for Events

The Council offers a range of cultural practices that can be experienced by the wider community: Welcomes, Smoking ceremonies, dance and music performances, as well as gifts for exchange and commissioned art works. Education & Training The Council delivers cross-cultural educational incursions and excursion tailored to meet the needs of the following sectors: education (pre, primary and secondary school, as well as tertiary and other adult education services), government, corporate, not-for-profit and community groups.

Language & Naming

Interested in naming an event, place, office space or facility on Country in language? The Council provide a language and naming services in Woi wurrung, the traditional language of the Wurundjeri.

Cultural Consultancy

Meet with Elders. It is considered respectful cultural protocol to discuss upcoming projects or initiatives on Country.