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Hauptmerkmale des Veranstaltungsortes

Raised stage
Polished floorboards
Mirrored wall with ballet barres

Veranstaltungsort Abmessungen

Hall: 21.8m x 13.6m (298.2m²)
Proscenium stage : 8m x 3.3m (26.9m²)


Rosina Auditorium Venue Pricing & Information

Hauptmerkmale des Veranstaltungsortes

Raised stage
Polished floorboards
Mirrored wall with ballet barres

Veranstaltungsort Abmessungen

Hall: 21.8m x 13.6m (298.2m²)
Proscenium stage : 8m x 3.3m (26.9m²)


Rosina Auditorium Venue Pricing & Information


Please note this venue is only available from 4 December 2024 – 25 February 2025 and 1 – 24 July 2025.

Die Rosina-Auditorium is a vast 1930s multi-use creative space. It comprises a large hall with polished floorboards, arched leadlight windows, a mirrored wall and barre, dramatic overhead timber beams and a raised proscenium stage. With a dedicated backstage area, it is an ideal performance space. The adjacent Yellow Room is also available for hire as a green room.

The Rosina Auditorium has served many uses in its time. While the Rosina Building was originally used to accommodate Convent residents, its Auditorium predominately functioned as an entertainment space used for performing arts and music tuition.


The space has numerous power outlets and 3-phase power available. Rosina Auditorium is heated and features a mirrored rear wall and ballet barres. Additional facilities including tables, chairs, whiteboards, heaters, and fans are available to hirers. Basic AV equipment is available to hirers.

Für Kapazität, Preise und Grundriss des Veranstaltungsortes klicken Sie auf hier.


The Rosina Auditorium is wheelchair accessible through the Rosina Courtyard entrance.

Geschlechtervielfalt is welcome at the Convent, and patrons are welcome to use any restroom that matches their gender identity or expression. There are both geschlechtsspezifische und geschlechtsneutral toilets available close to the venue. View the Karte der öffentlichen Toilette um ein Badezimmer Ihrer Wahl zu finden.

Online buchen

Die vielfältigen Innen- und Außenbereiche des Abbotsford Convent sind ideal für Inspiration, Kreativität und Zusammenarbeit.

Um einen Raum zu mieten, genügt es online buchen.

Mit der Anmietung eines Raums im Convent unterstützen Sie die langfristige Nachhaltigkeit unseres gemeinnützigen Kunst-, Kultur- und Lernzentrums, das allen zur Verfügung steht.