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Hauptmerkmale des Veranstaltungsortes

Partitioned room
Distressed walls
Single track lighting

Veranstaltungsort Abmessungen

Large area: 22.8m x 7.6m
Small area: 22.5m x 5.5m
Total area: 299.8m²


Industrial School Venue Pricing & Information

Hauptmerkmale des Veranstaltungsortes

Partitioned room
Distressed walls
Single track lighting

Veranstaltungsort Abmessungen

Large area: 22.8m x 7.6m
Small area: 22.5m x 5.5m
Total area: 299.8m²


Industrial School Venue Pricing & Information


Die Gewerbeschule is a versatile and unique venue. Its long, rectangular shape allows this venue to spilt into two distinct spaces that both connect and divide when required, with a series of openings along the length of the building. The Industrial School features a rich patina of age from multiple uses over time.

Designed by JB Denny and built in 1868, the Industrial School is the oldest surviving building within the Convent grounds. Originally a two-storey building comprising workrooms and dormitories, it is the oldest known privately built school of industry in Victoria, which offered trade-specific training to its former occupants. The foundations of the heavy-duty equipment it once housed can still be seen on the floor.


The space includes 3-phase power and single-track lighting. Additional facilities including tables, chairs, whiteboards, heaters and fans are available to hirers. Basic AV equipment is available to hirers.

Für Kapazität, Preise und Grundriss des Veranstaltungsortes klicken Sie auf hier.


The Industrial School is wheelchair accessible, however the flooring is rough.

Geschlechtervielfalt ist im Konvent willkommen, und die Besucher können jede Toilette benutzen, die ihrer Geschlechtsidentität oder ihrem Ausdruck entspricht. Es gibt geschlechtsneutrale Klosetts in der Nähe des Veranstaltungsortes verfügbar sind und geschlechtsspezifische Toiletten sind auch an anderen Orten im Klosterbezirk verfügbar. Ansicht der Karte der öffentlichen Toilette um ein Badezimmer Ihrer Wahl zu finden.

Online buchen

Die vielfältigen Innen- und Außenbereiche des Abbotsford Convent sind ideal für Inspiration, Kreativität und Zusammenarbeit.

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